Month: November 2019
The Droids You’re Looking For
The Droids You’re Looking For
Preview the Scenarios in the Crashed Escape Pod Battlefield Expansion for Star Wars: Legion
“What a desolate place this is.”
–C-3PO, Star Wars: A New Hope
Despite not being designed for combat, R2-D2 and C-3PO have a surprising amount of experience on the battlefield. From Geonosis to Endor, these droids have played a critical role in key battles for both the Galactic Republic and the Rebel Alliance. Of everything they’ve done to alter galactic history, though, perhaps nothing was greater than the heroic delivery of the Death Star plans to the Rebels on Yavin 4.
Pre-order your own copy of the Crashed Escape Pod Battlefield Expansion at your local retailer or online through our website today!
Carrying this vital intelligence across Tatooine and into the depths of the Death Star itself, the droids went on a journey that changed the fate of the Star Wars™ galaxy forever. Soon, you’ll be able to capture the excitement of this adventure with the Crashed Escape Pod Battlefield Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion!
In addition to letting you add these iconic droids to your Rebel Alliance or Galactic Republic armies, this expansion places R2-D2, C-3PO, and their crashed escape pod at the center of two unique scenarios that challenge you to secure the droids before your opponent. To do so, six new battle cards outline your objectives, deployment zones, and conditions for these missions.
Join us today as we take a closer look at both these scenarios and the challenges you’ll face in the thick of battle!
Crash Landing
In our preview last week, we took a look at how you can add C-3PO and R2-D2 to your Rebel Alliance or Galactic Republic armies and use their unique skills and experience to complete a secret mission and help you secure victory. But these plucky droids—and the escape pod they arrive in—can also become essential elements of two scenarios that add more variety to your battles.
While both scenarios task you with recovering the droids, they create drastically different conditions for you to do so. As the first opens, the droids’ escape pod isn’t even on the battlefield, leaving both armies to anticipate where they’ll land. The first round of this battle, then, is a tense exercise in anticipation as both armies await the escape pod’s arrival.
Adventures in Fiction: L. Sprague DeCamp
Adventures in Fiction: L. Sprague de Camp
By Jeff Goad
Did you know that L. Sprague de Camp coined the terms “extraterrestrial” and “E.T.”? It’s true! While the noun existed before de Camp, he was the first to use it to describe alien life in a 1939 article for Astounding Science Fiction. This is one of many examples of how De Camp’s impact on the genres of science fiction and fantasy far exceed his level of contemporary fame.
It is easy to draw a straight line between de Camp and the eccentric renaissance men who populate his stories. Besides authoring more than 100 books, he was also an aeronautical engineer, surveyor, patent expert, and a school principal, among other things.
His writing career began in the field of nonfiction when he published Inventions and Their Management in 1937. Later that same year his short stories began to appear in Astounding Stories and by 1939 he had published his first novel. By the mid-1940s he was already a prolific writer and joined the Trap Door Spiders, a males-only social club which Fletcher Pratt had formed so he could spend time with Dr. John D. Clark without Clark’s wife, whom they all detested. The invitation-only membership consisted of primarily writers and scientists and some of the more notable members included Isaac Asimov, Lin Carter, Lester Del Rey, and Theodore Sturgeon.
De Camp was a huge fan of the sword and sorcery genre and in 1963 he compiled and edited the first-ever collection of such stories in the book Swords and Sorcery featuring Poul Anderson, Lord Dunsany, Robert E. Howard, Henry Kuttner, Fritz Leiber, H.P. Lovecraft, C.L. Moore, and Clark Ashton Smith.
By the mid-1960s, he had become a founding member of the Swordsmen and Sorcerers’ Guild of America (or SAGA). It was started by Lin Carter, John Jakes, and himself and would eventually include many of the authors found in the Appendix N such as Poul Anderson, Fritz Leiber, Michael Moorcock, Andre Norton, and Jack Vance.
One of the ways in which de Camp had the most impact on the genre is through his work on the Conan stories. The works of Robert E. Howard had mostly fallen into obscurity but in 1966 he started working with Lancer to republish the Conan stories in the order in which they could have happened in Conan’s life (instead of chronological order by publication
Henasa-Shel heavy tank
3D paper models and 2D paper miniatures 28 mm for low Sci-Fi wargames.
Henasa-Shel translates as the “Merciless Pangolin” in Otlok. This ambitious project started recently before the Keno-Otlok war. The development of a heavy tank was a response to the kenoese heavy tank Arshet, but otloks did not manage to finish it by the war. The short bloody war ended with the victory of Keno, the Otlok clans were deposed, the former clanless came to power in Otlok, which began to adhere to the pro-kenoese course. A year after the war, the development of the heavy tank was resumed and a lot of money was invested in the new perspective tank. Unfortunately, the hopes of the new leadership of Otlok did not materialize – the “Merciless Pangolin” has undoubtedly become one of the most expensive and most unsuccessful. The tank had a very high profile and huge weight. At the same time, his gun and chassis were rather weak. The track rollers of the tank were constantly breaking down, the speed of the tank was extremely low, but Henasa-Shel was spending too much fuel. The gun was not stabilized, the tank could not shoot on the move. The only advantage of Henasa-Shel was really good armor – the otloks knew a lot about good steel. But despite this, Henasa-Shel was much worse than the kenoese Arshet and the lianrian Ensar-Shail.
This set includes:
1. Henasa-Shel (Otlok version) three removable modules – MG, MG with gunner and commander
2. Henasa-Shel 2D miniatures – “Lazy” version
Price: $5.00
Savage Worlds Weltenschaffer (PDF) als Download kaufen
Möchtest du deine eigene Welt erschaffen? Suchst du nach Hinweisen und Tipps von Leuten, die seit 15 Jahren Savage Worlds leiten? Möchtest du direkt mit einem kleinen Setting loslegen? Der Weltenschaffer-Band bietet dir all dies und noch mehr. Hier findest du Beiträge von Pinnacle-Angestellten, freien Mitarbeitern und bekannten Spielleitern zu Themen wie dem Leiten für verschiedene Altersgruppen, dem Aufbau einer lokalen Spielecommunity, Welten für Jahre zu bespielen und die Veröffentlichung deiner eigenen Kreationen.
Zudem sind vier Mini-Settings samt Abenteuern enthalten, um euch direkt einen Startpunkt für eure Spielabende zu liefern!
- Spirits of 1786 stellt ihr euch dem Wirken nordischer Götter in Nordamerika nach der Revolution.
- In Abyssal erkundet ihr in der nahen Zukunft die Tiefen der Meere und die Geheimnisse einer neuen Energiequelle.
- Tesla Rangers schickt euch als Gesetzeshüter in die gefährlichen Regionen des Roboteraufstandes im Wilden Westen.
- Die verlorene Stadt von Astla konfrontiert im Exil lebende Elfen mit ihrer Vergangenheit und den Sünden der Menschen.
Price: $10.99
Savage Worlds Statuskartendeck (PDF) als Download kaufen
Behalte den Status von Charakteren, Statisten und Schurken mit diesen Statuskarten im Blick!
Enthalten sind
12x Angeschlagen, 12x Wunde, 9x Erschöpft, 5x Abgelenkt, 5x Verwundbar, 2x Festgehalten, 2x Gebunden, 2x Betäubt, 2x Aufgespart, 2x Zielen und 2x Verteidigen.
Price: $5.49
Savage Worlds Spielleiterset (PDF) als Download kaufen
- Eine CD mit Atmosphäre-Hintergrundgeräuschen für die vier Settings aus dem Weltenschaffer-Band.
- Sechs vorausgefüllte Archetypen-Charakterbögen für Savage Worlds auf A5 Bögen.
- Sechs Einleger für den Universalsspielleiterschirm von Ulisses Spiele.
- Fünf Packs à fünf Abenteuerspielkarten für die Ulisses-Settings Myth, Das Schwarze Auge, HeXXen 1733, Torg Eternity und Fading Suns.
- Fünf Abenteuer auf je einem A4-Blatt, je eines, um die Welten Myth, Das Schwarze Auge, HeXXen 1733, Torg Eternity und Fading Suns mit Savage Worlds zu bespielen.
- Ein 16-seitiges Heft mit Aufstellern für die enthaltenen Abenteuer.
- Ein Übersichtsblatt zur gemeinsamen Settingerstellung.
Price: $10.99
Savage Worlds Spielleiterschirm (PDF) als Download kaufen
[Ich bin nur ein Platzhaltertext. Meine Existenz ist endlich. Ich halt hier nur die Stellung bis sich der richtige Text freischaltet. Bald werde ich ersetzt werden und den Kunden mit neu gewonnenen Informationen erfreuen!]
Price: $3.29
November 28, 2019: Happy Thanksgiving From Uncle Al!
Don’t eat too much and collapse in a food coma, though, because Uncle Al wants to see all of you tomorrow morning for the launch of Car Wars Sixth Edition on Kickstarter. As an incentive to get you out of bed early on Black Friday, Uncle Al is offering a special bonus to the Day One project supporters. What’s the bonus? You’ll have to hit the campaign page tomorrow morning to see what deal Uncle Al has for all of you in celebration of the start of our most anticipated Kickstarter project of the year.
Click here to receive notification when the Kickstarter project is live.
Warehouse 23 News: Army Men Dice!
The ubiquitous green army men of your childhood have made the jump from toys to games! This set of twelve 16mm six-siders is perfect for any battle. Emerge victorious as your opponents cower in fear of your overwhelmingly superior dice. Upgrade your game with the Army Men d6 Dice Set now on Warehouse 23!
Sweet Christmas
Across the land snow lies deep and crisp and even. The cold is omnipresent, worse than any can remember. As Count Nikolas sets out on his annual trip, and the populace sits a little nearer their fireplaces, foresters worry about strange things in the woods and mutter a name not heard in many years. Krampus.
This story is a dark Yuletide tale of a plot to usurp power from the current lord of the land. Although it uses elements and icons of Christmas, it should fit into most campaigns with little difficulty. The story is suitable for level 5-10 characters. The characters must deal with allies and enemies, solve puzzles and determine what has happened to Count Nikolas. Battle maps are included.
Price: $3.95
School of Empathy
This a new wizard arcane tradition.
Price: $0.00
Advent of Destruction, Legacy of the Song Blades Part I
Awakened from a deep sleep in the Earthly Delights Inn and Bathhouse of the dwarven city-fortress Markheldiim, the characters find themselves thrust into an all-out invasion by hordes of goblins, hobgoblins, elementals, and giants, in the opening moves of a new conflict that will have far-reaching consequences across the lands and the very planes themselves.
They will need to rely on their wits, their strength of arms, and their cooperation to quickly formulate a plan as they battle through waves of enemies to make their way to the legendary Song Forge where they hope to find salvation.
But what the characters find there could spell the difference between triumph and defeat, for ancient, primal, forces are waking, and they want their revenge.
Advent of Destruction – Legend of the Song Blades Part 1 is a Tier 1 Dungeons and Dragons 5e adventure.
Price: $2.00
The Wonderous Tower of Droniel
The Wonderous Tower of Droniel is the first highly anticipated supplement for D&D 5e edited by the guys of the youtube channel D20 Nation!
This 72-page book provides you with a unique opportunity to start new players in the world’s greatest roleplaying game and to drag experienced players on a journey out of the ordinary!
The purpose of this manual is to provide a wide selection of magical objects, arcane spells and monsters never seen before to be able to integrate into ANY setting you want.
Exactly, dear adventurer, The Wonderous Tower of Droniel can be adapted to any setting you are playing; this stems from the intention to help less experienced DMs to start an interesting adventure through breathtaking ideas!
Within this fantastic supplement, divided into 3 PARTS, you will find:
- 20 pages of a thrilling and hilarious exploratory adventure, treated in detail for a group of 3rd level characters that (through the strange events of the Tower) can reach up to the 6th level!
- A 40-page compendium containing over 60 unique magic items, 17 arcane spells and 6 original illustrated monsters to add to your future adventures!
- A final appendix with original documents and maps, related to the adventure and ready to be used by the whole gaming table!
All this material is born for you, dear adventurers, good game and lots of luck: The Wonderous Tower of Droniel awaits you!
Price: $6.55
“Spirit Well Patron – A Warlock Subclass”
The Spirit Well Patron Warlock archetype
Offers a different way to play your warlock based on finding souls and using them to power your powers. This subclass allows yourself and the DM to find new interresting narratives centered on how you interract with your patron(s).
– Includes a Printer friendly version
Price: $0.95
Kickstarters for Deadlands: Lost Colony & Wendigo Tales: Volume One are Complete!
Our Kickstarters for Deadlands: Lost Colony and Wendigo Tales: Volume One are now complete, and we’d like to thank all our enthusiastic backers for your generous support! In both cases, we were fully-funded on day one and then we went on to unlock a number of fantastic stretch goals after that.
Over the last few weeks, you unlocked new Archetype and Power Cards, Figure Flats, “Classic” background material, and Power Templates, all for Deadlands: Lost Colony. And for Wendigo Tales: Volume One, you added a set of Character Stats, custom Bookmarks, and three “Volume Zero” fiction anthologies!
The team will be taking a short break from the public world for a few weeks while Kickstarter collects pledges. Once we have all the reports we need from them, we’ll update everyone about what comes next.
And if you missed out on the Kickstarters, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so that you know exactly when we launch the Pledge Manager.
Thanks again for your support!